I sure do love that tea, milk and honey myself and really good books to take you away to another place.
I guess that "Third Place" is like a little trap door that opens and let's us through for a tranquil mini escape.
I love the sea shore -- haven't been able to go in 5 years now -- but I can always conjure up walking the beach just as the sun is rising.......toes in the seafoam.......where ocean meets the sand. It is so wonderful to touch with your toes and whole being that mystical space. Not until about a year ago did I learn that the Irish held that place of seafoam - where ocean world meets the shore --where the two worlds collide -- as their most mystical realm. I believe our ancestors reach us across the divide and show us their magical places -- if we are quiet enough to truly listen. Now tell me that our Irish Heritage is not passed down in the DNA!!! We have never been to the Erin Isle - we never heard those tales when we were young. When I need a third place I conjure up the smells of the ocean, the seafoam green and the fairies that dance between your toes................
Noreen Reilly
We go to my Son's in Stratford Connecticut. He has a boat and is always away. His neighbor gave us a Beach Pass until 2011 for Short Beach. We go stay over night and mingle with the neighbors.GREAT people. Less than an hour away from us but feels like you are on the Cape. Short Beach is not crowded at all and for residents you can get on for a small fee. Google it! Verna